Monday, December 5, 2011


DOZHolding is now promising success for Its investors mainly in Kurdistan and also international market. "DOZ" means mission in Kurdish Language and DOZHolding is the company that is putting this mission into actions. Investing and helping to invest in Kurdish area(Great Kurdistan) at Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran is our goal and mission.

Author of this blog Mehmet DOZ is CEO and founder of DOZHolding. He believes the day will come and His Company's Projects will lead the Middle East. He adds, investing in Kurdish People is The Doz. Learn about international site of DOZHolding at

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MBA Business Studies: Case 5

Salesgenie and the Benefits of Lead Generation Technologies (Group 7: Chelsey Aisenbrey, Heather Perlman, & Matthew Vance ) 
Sales lead generation is a growing field where businesses purchase sales leads, therefore allowing their sales people to spend less time researching potential customers and more time building relationships.  Salesgenie is a provider of sales leads, and the focus of this research paper.  Through Salesgenie, organizations can ensure that the right message is being sent to the right people with the assistance of their business profiles, aerial maps, and target list builders.  Salesgenie is a division of Infogroup, which is a data research and marketing company that operates a database containing business, lifestyle, and credit information on 15.5 million businesses and 210 million consumers.  Salesgenie is part of the sales lead generation industry, which primarily operates on the Internet.

Competition is fierce in this industry, so a careful competitive analysis was conducted with Porter’s Five Forces model.  In terms of competition, Salesgenie goes up against a handful of very similar firms.  The barriers to entry are substantial for this field since it takes years to develop a proprietary database with enough information to sell.  Substitute products are another challenge because businesses can generate their own sales lead lists through a variety of other sources such as internet searches, yellow pages, or customer referrals.  Customers can influence the industry greatly with their ability to research other firms based on price, contract terms and data quality.  Suppliers also play a significant role due to their distribution of the sales data.  Salesgenie’s competitive advantage comes in the quality of the data that they provide to their subscribers.  Their data’s reputation is backed by the fact that 85% of Fortune 100 Companies use their services.

MBA Business Studies: Case 4

Redbox (Group 4: Terri Garfoot, Jeremy Moritz, Kellon Whitley, & Josh Wooden ) 
Redbox is the latest movie rental option for consumers which originally started in McDonald’s.  In 2009 Coinstar, Inc. purchased all rights of Redbox from McDonalds and currently has more than 31,800 kiosks nationwide with approximately 500 DVDs in each kiosk.  Instead of going into a typical Blockbuster, consumers can rent a movie at any time of the day at the nearest Redbox kiosk for only $1 per movie per day without a monthly subscription.  Redbox also offers online viewing of movies available at the nearest kiosk and allows the consumer to hold movies.

The distributing mechanism works exactly like a vending machine but uses a credit/debit card instead of coins.  Although the kiosk itself is nothing revolutionary, the technology to maintain the kiosks is sophisticated.  Every Redbox is connected to a single information database via internet DSL or a cellular modem where it collects, sends, and stores the data it gathers.  Using that data, management can determine how to most effectively and efficiently stock the specific kiosk.  IT also plays an essential role in maintaining the kiosks.  Field Agents are deployed to kiosks for maintenance if necessary; however, Redbox is equipped with technology to solve simple, routine problems when they arise.  For example, the agent can use his/her laptop computer to manipulate the mechanism holding DVDs in place to try to release stuck DVDs.

MBA Business Studies: Case 3

Electronic Medical Records (Group 3: Derek Blackmore, Joel Groeneveld, Tiffany Feller, & Ellen Skorpinski ) 
Paper-based medical records have been in use for centuries. However, recently there has been a major shift in the United States and other developing nations to implement computer-based medical records. These computer-based models, called electronic medical records (EMRs), are similar to a patient’s normal paper charts, but are electronic and can be viewed at any hospital that has a compatible system. The advent and use of EMRs will ultimately affect every American that receives medical care in this country because their medical records will now be electronic and can more easily be shared between a patient’s doctors and hospitals.

EMR software programs allow for medical professionals to review a patient’s medical records in one bookmarked page. The medical professional can see the patient’s prescriptions, past checkups from all medical fields, lab results, physical therapy instructions, and even X-rays and MRIs. Having all of this information in one area enables the medical professional to give the patient the best possible care. EMRs not only improve patient care, but also to lower costs. EMR technology provides fail-safes and protections to healthcare providers with respect to drug interactions as well as eliminating unnecessary tests and procedures. Customization reduces upfront costs because providers or organizations only need to invest in the infrastructure that relates to the service(s) they provide.

MBA Business Studies: Case 2

Cloud Computing (Christina Moore, Michael Peabody, Brianne Malliet, & Darren Malliet ) 
Organizations are increasing their reliance on state-of-the-art technologies to help them gain competitive advantage and drive towards success.  One such technology is cloud computing. Before implementing a new technology such as cloud computing an organization needs to identify what it is, how it will benefit them strategically, and any challenges that may arise along with how to overcome them.  The organization should also consider any ethical, legal, social, and global issues. This report has provided an in depth review of cloud computing technology and its possible impact on today’s organizations.

Cloud computing refers to a model of computing where firms and individuals obtain computing power and software applications over the internet, rather than purchasing their own hardware and software. This model can provide many competitive advantages that could help position a firm to better withstand external competitive forces in its environment. One good example of a firm using cloud computing to its advantage is Siemens. This global company implemented a cloud based CRM system that helped them to better fend off external forces including new market entrants, substitute products, customer, and supplier power.